Chapel Glen. A Great Place to Live in Farmers Branch, Texas
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New Residents

First, on behalf of the entire Chapel Glen community let us Welcome you to the neighborhood.  We're sure you'll find all the information you will need right here on our website but in case you don't, please feel free to go to the contact us page and ask anyone of us a question.  We will do our best to guide you in the right direction.
Once you register on the website we urge you to fill in as much of the information on your profile as possible so the Chapel Glen HoA Board will have your latest information. You can update your information simply by clicking on the link at the bottom left of any page, after you have logged in.  
You control what content is viewed by the other members of Chapel Glen but rest assured the information you provide, that is not shared with our members, is secure and will not be shared or sold to anyone.  Please click on the "policies" button at the bottom of any page and read our policies for the use of our website then explore all of it at your leisure and learn just what  your new community has to offer you and your family.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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